Musings on a Decade

When I turned 30, my last so-called milestone birthday, I was unemployed, broke, and heartbroken. I was totally and completely lost. I was still at that age, where there was a lot of pressure to “achieve” things by certain points in time. By 30, I had reasoned, I should have my shit together. I shouldContinue reading “Musings on a Decade”

Reflections on a Bizarrely Serendipitous Year

That 2020 has been a strange year is true of every single human. When we started the year, COVID was a foreign problem, something barely on the speck of the horizon.  But I’m not writing this to talk about the innumerable ways our lives have changed, for two reasons.  Firstly, we have all lived it.Continue reading “Reflections on a Bizarrely Serendipitous Year”

My Search for my Ikigai

When I was 28 years old, I was working in a fairly straightforward 9-5 job in Mississauga (close to Toronto), Canada, leading a pretty boring life, where days and nights blended into each other.  I had moved from New York and missed it terribly. New York was a place that inspired me, while Toronto wasContinue reading “My Search for my Ikigai”

Changing the Narrative of My Own Story

  I got into a fascinating discussion on Twitter the other day, courtesy of Women’s Web, with Manreet Sodhi Someshwar, speaking about her book The Radiance of a Thousand Suns, which has now made its way onto my TBR. We were speaking about Margaret Atwood, and what made her characters so powerful (I’d been watchingContinue reading “Changing the Narrative of My Own Story”

A Few Thoughts on Gratitude

“We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. – Randy Pausch These words came from this absolutely beautiful book I am reading called The Last Lecture, written by the late Carnegie Mellon Professor before losing his battle to Pancreatic cancer in 2008. I’ve probably written about this before, butContinue reading “A Few Thoughts on Gratitude”

Confessions of a Vagabond

My alarm goes off at 4:30 am. My hand slaps towards my phone as if it is an actual clock, finally managing to silence it, if only momentarily. As a precaution I have set an alarm at 4:25, 4:35 and 4:40 lest my body goes on strike and I miss my flight (which has happened).Continue reading “Confessions of a Vagabond”