Saying Goodbye

I’ve said goodbye to this house twice now. The first time was 6 years my parents were moving to Gurgaon, but the house stayed with us and they eventually rebuilt it and moved back. The second time was this morning. Within the next few weeks, if all goes well, the house will pass to aContinue reading “Saying Goodbye”

Netflix’s Maid, and the Slippery Slope of Emotional Abuse

I didn’t expect Netflix’s show Maid, to trigger me the way it did.  The show, based on a true story, is the story of a single mom, Alex, trying to build her own life by escaping an emotionally abusive relationship, trying to take care of a mentally ill mother, and having no qualifications, or money. Continue reading “Netflix’s Maid, and the Slippery Slope of Emotional Abuse”

Musings on a Decade

When I turned 30, my last so-called milestone birthday, I was unemployed, broke, and heartbroken. I was totally and completely lost. I was still at that age, where there was a lot of pressure to “achieve” things by certain points in time. By 30, I had reasoned, I should have my shit together. I shouldContinue reading “Musings on a Decade”

Reflections on a Bizarrely Serendipitous Year

That 2020 has been a strange year is true of every single human. When we started the year, COVID was a foreign problem, something barely on the speck of the horizon.  But I’m not writing this to talk about the innumerable ways our lives have changed, for two reasons.  Firstly, we have all lived it.Continue reading “Reflections on a Bizarrely Serendipitous Year”

Life with the Corona Virus

After eight months of a paranoia, stringent precautions and multiple skin breakouts thanks to the chafing of masks, it is a rather strange thing to have a COVID positive test report in front of you. It’s like you spend all these months running from something and when it finally catches up with you, there isContinue reading “Life with the Corona Virus”


Good morning! I’m reporting straight from the hot zone. It is day 7 since my exposure to Corona 1 and Corona 2, aka Mom & Dad who tested positive for COVID the day after I arrived after a long and difficult eight month separation. Forgive my humour but there are so few cheerful things aboutContinue reading “COVID19 PART 2: THE PLOT TWIST”


The first reaction is always fear. That’s what I felt when I thought about getting tested.  In our mind’s eye – even us, the ultra – privileged – we picture the government storming our house and seizing us, and holding us captive in less than sanitary treatment facilities where poor hygiene would kill us beforeContinue reading “COVID19 & THE BATTLE FOR CIVIC SENSE”

‘Senseless Worries’: A Story about Anxiety and the Power of Being Alone

  As a young woman I had all sorts of ambitions of where I would be at 30. Successful, surrounded by people I loved (including, perhaps, one special someone), and generally on an accelerated upward trajectory towards achieving all of my dreams. I was to be wildly successful, because, like all millennials, this was myContinue reading “‘Senseless Worries’: A Story about Anxiety and the Power of Being Alone”

Changing the Narrative of My Own Story

  I got into a fascinating discussion on Twitter the other day, courtesy of Women’s Web, with Manreet Sodhi Someshwar, speaking about her book The Radiance of a Thousand Suns, which has now made its way onto my TBR. We were speaking about Margaret Atwood, and what made her characters so powerful (I’d been watchingContinue reading “Changing the Narrative of My Own Story”